GPCI Certification Committee is charged with providing recommendations regarding certification and recertification requirements for the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) Credential. The Committee engaged in a job analysis survey in 2017 which allowed GPCI to develop a fair, defensible, accurate examination which realistically assesses an individual’s competency in the grants profession.
Upon completion of this process, the proposed eligibility changes went before the full GPCI board and was approved for dissemination for public comment. GPCI is soliciting public comment for a short period of time.
GPCI works to identify grant professionals who display outstanding expertise and ethical practices. This expertise is identified through the core competencies and skills defining the standards of knowledge and practice for our field. The standards are balanced between those working in government and in private sectors, and between the demands upon institutional, smaller nonprofit, and consultant practitioners. The Grant Professional Certified (GPC) is designed to identify individuals with broad-based knowledge and real-world experience in the field of grantsmanship.
All candidates must meet the minimum point standard which can be earned across four professional areas: education, professional development, experience, and community involvement. To be eligible to take the examination, the GPC candidate must qualify for 120 of 170 possible points.

All candidates must meet the minimum education, knowledge and experience in order to be determined eligible to take the exam. GPCI acknowledges an individual’s personal path toward competency in the grant profession will vary. The balance of points needed to reach the minimum 120 points will necessitate earning points from at least three categories. Some candidates may be more involved in their community while others may be more invested in their own or other’s professional development. Either way, they must document their involvement in these activities during the three to five years period prior to applying for eligibility, dependent upon the selected pathway.
The period for public comment will close by September 15, 2018.
If you would like to review the new candidate information guide, click here.
If you have brief comments and/or questions please email your comments to Please include your name and contact information.
Please note that while GPCI may incorporate some of the comments, providing commentary does not guarantee changes however, all comments will be reviewed. GPCI will not able to provide individual responses to comments made.