The GPCI Accepted Education Program establishes a mechanism to assist grant professionals in determining their best educational or training opportunities that cover the grant competencies that are necessary to achieve and maintain the GPC credential. Providers who participate in this program have undergone an application process with GPCI® to ensure their training or education sessions cover these competencies. Providers will display this Accepted Education Program logo on the specific training sessions which have been approved.

Search for Trainings
While GPCI neither endorses or sponsors any specific training providers, our Accepted Education Program lists providers who offer trainings that have been reviewed by GPCI to cover the GPC Competencies. If you are a trainer and interested in participating in the GPCI Accepted Education program, click here to learn more.
Please note it is the responsibility of the training participant to confirm with the providers that a particular training session has been approved for GPCI Accepted Education Program status. Participants must also obtain proof of attendance and the approved number of GPCI Education Points directly from the provider.