Pauline G. Annarino Award
The Pauline G. Annarino Award acknowledges the efforts of an agency, group or individual who has elevated the status of the grants profession by promoting, steering, and/or marketing our profession as a significant contributor to our society. This work includes supporting and advancing credentialing and the GPC examination. The awardee’s contributions have had a lasting impact on the grants profession, and will serve as a foundation for the growth of the profession and GPCI.
Nominations for the 2024 Award are open. Access the nomination form here.
Please click on the awardee pictures below for additional information.
2023, Jo Miller, GPC
The 2023 Pauline G. Annarino Award was presented to Jo Miller, GPC. Jo has supported the work of GPCI and her fellow GPCs with her time, talent, and treasure. From encouraging other grant professionals to become GPCs to helping prepare them for the exam with study groups and guides to advancing our agenda during her time as a leader in with the Grant Professionals Association board, Jo’s unwavering support has helped GPCI grow and thrive.
2022 Doris Heroff, GPC
In addition to her stellar service as a grant professional within organizations and as a consultant, Doris was instrumental in building GPA leadership on a national and local level. She was the force behind connecting Minnesota grant professionals for the inception of the Minnesota Chapter of the GPA. The Minnesota GPA chapter will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2022. When Doris was a GPA board member (2008-2012) and a member of the Chicago chapter, she encouraged Nathan Medina to serve on the board of the GPA. Nathan served on the GPA board for 6 years, including serving as the Board President. During my first GPA conference, it was Nathan’s speech that made me believe in the GPA leadership and that there were grant professionals that shared my vision and values. A few months later, I met Doris at a rural funders forum. As I stood during a break that morning, an enthusiastic stranger came charging towards me, asking if I was a GPC (gypsy). I did not know what she was saying! I had received my little gold pen the week before and I was wearing it to raise awareness about GPCI. I didn’t have any colleagues or friends that knew about the GPCI. She has been my friend and mentor since. In fact, that first day, she convinced me that, together, we would start the first GPA chapter in MN – we did. Later, she encouraged me to run for the GPA board. If you know Doris, then you know the word ‘encourage’ doesn’t quite get to the heart of what she does when she is mentoring and leading grant professionals into leadership roles.
Besides her tireless enthusiasm and commitment to mentoring and supporting other grant professionals in the career development and leadership roles, Doris is a powerful advocate for the Grant Professionals Certification Institute and the credential. She was one of the first grant professionals to earn the GPC.
I know many people have wonderful stories about Doris’ impact on their grant career and how she has the amazing ability to spark passion, hope, and possibility in ourselves, the profession, and in the work we do.
Thank you for the opportunity to nominate Doris and to share a little about her big impact.
Jo Miller, GPC

2021 Phillis Renninger, PhD, GPC
The 2021 Pauline G. Annarino Award is awarded to Phyllis Renninger, PhD, GPC. The Annarino Award acknowledges the efforts of an agency, group or individual who has elevated the status of the grants profession by promoting, steering, and/or marketing our profession as a significant contributor to our society, including supporting and advancing credentialing and the GPCI examination. Dr. Renninger served as the founder and past president of both the GPA and GPF, and on the inaugural board of the GPCI. She led the GPF during its early stages, including advancing the concept of scholarships for the GPC exam. She further elevated our profession through her written work, including books, articles, and a PhD dissertation, that focused on the grants profession as an emerging vocation.

2020 Cyndi McKenzie, GPC
Cyndi McKenzie, GPC, has long been an advocate for strong ethical frameworks for grant professionals, and it is for her work there and in so many other areas that we are proud to announce that she is the winner of the 2020 Pauline G. Annariono Award! This award acknowledges the efforts of an agency, group or individual who has elevated the status of the grants profession by promoting, steering, and/or marketing our profession as a significant contributor to our society.
2019: Lydia Howie, GPC
Lydia Howie has been a grant consultant for over 25 years. She is an active GPA member, contributing to Grant Zone and hosting GPA webinars, and writing articles for the weekly newsletter. She’s been a presenter at the GPA National Conference and lives in the Hudson Valley region of New York.
2018: Bonnie Houk, GPC
Bonnie Houke has gone above and beyond during and after her service to the GPCI board. She has continued in a labor-intensive volunteer position beyond what was expected of her. Bonnie is kind and generous and it shows in all aspects of her work. We are grateful for the time and dedication she continues to put forth for GPCI. She is a true ambassador for the organization!
Click here for a video of the award presentation.

2017: Marcia Ford, GPC Retired
This year’s recipient is Marcia Ford, GPC Retired. Marcia Ford was a member of the GPCI board of directors from 2005 to 2010, serving in the capacity as both president and treasurer. Marcia served as the original GPC exam test development chair and as president led the charge for the first ever GPC exam administration in Arlington, Virginia in 2007. A true pioneer and forward thinker, it was under Marcia’s leadership and dedication GPCI will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the GPC exam this upcoming year. Ten years later, as president and test development chair, I have true respect and admiration for the groundbreaking work Marcia and the GPCI board completed as we are currently undergoing a GPC exam re-write. I know of no other who truly exemplifies the spirit of this award, as someone who has had a lasting impact on the grants profession and who served as the foundation for grant professional growth. So, on behalf of GPCI, the board of directors and fellow GPC holders, I am honored to present the Pauline G. Annarino award to Marcia Ford, for being bold and leading the credentialing charge for future grant professionals.
Click here for a video of the award presentation.

2016: Dr. Beverly A. Browning
This year’s recipient is Dr. Beverly A. Browning. Many of you may recognize Dr. Browning as the author of Grant Writing for Dummies, as well as many other grant-related publications. Dr. Browning has been a guiding force for the past four decades, serving the greater good through grant writing consultation, contract bid preparation and organizational development. Her passion for providing others with the tools necessary to achieve success as a grant professional is unparalleled. Early grant writers often discover her resources invaluable in launching their careers. GPCI is honored to present the Pauline G. Annarino award to Dr. Browning for being an inspiration to grant professionals throughout the world.

2015: Danny Blitch, GPC
This year, that honor goes to Danny Blitch. In 2015, grant professionals across the world participated in the first International Grant Professionals Week thanks to his vision and efforts. Danny spearheaded the creation and implementation of the week, from marketing and partnerships, to daily activities and local celebrations in his hometown of Atlanta. Danny also plays a major role in setting up the online application for the GPC scholarship process. He is the driving force behind the Community Impact Survey, a national survey about the impact grant professionals have on their community and individuals they serve. The data from this survey is often used by GPCI to show the impact that GPCs make on their communities. In addition, Danny serves as a GPA Board member and volunteers for his Georgia GPA chapter. His work and volunteer efforts on both the national, regional, and local levels are truly unparalleled. Danny’s love for the profession and his fellow grant colleagues are readily apparent to anyone who talks to him. Danny, GPCI cannot thank you enough for your service, time, and commitment to the grant profession. Your stewardship is an example to the rest of us.

2014: Micki Vandeloo, GPC
This year, that honor goes to Micki Vandeloo. Micki earned her GPC in 2013 and hit the ground running, at full tilt. Over the course of the year she has written multiple articles about the value of having your GPC and hiring a GPC (posted on her website, social media, and other outlets). She immediately contacted the GPCI board and volunteered her time, talent, and enthusiasm to furthering the credential. She played a role in the scholarship application process and on the marketing committee. She is co-presenting the “value of the GPC” workshop at this year’s conference. Micki serves on the Board of the Grant Professionals Foundation, the organization responsible for funding multiple GPC scholarships each year, in addition to scholarships to the GPA conference and GPA membership dues. Her passion and desire to improve the grant profession is infectious. Micki, the grant profession and our credential are better because of individuals like you. We look forward to all you have to offer our field and thank you for sharing your passion with us.

2013: The Grant Professionals Foundation
This year that honor goes to the Grant Professionals Foundation. The Foundation’s Board of Directors help market the GPC exam and provide individuals with the opportunity to sit for this exam through the GPC Scholarship. It was the Foundation that first suggested to GPCI the idea of the GPC scholarship. Since its inception in 2010, the Foundation has both donated to the scholarship fund and housed the scholarship application on its website. In the past three years, the process has allowed GPCI to award 15 GPC exam scholarships. A few more will be added to that number in 2013. Members of the Foundation Board of Directors make this all possible by marketing the scholarship and assisting in the scoring of each application to help determine each year’s recipients. GPCI is especially grateful for the volunteer hours its Board puts towards this process each year. We look forward to a continued partnership as we continue to assure the GPC exam is available to our colleagues in the grant profession for many years to come.

2012: Rob Helm
This year that honor goes to Rod Helm who has promoted the GPC exam and the mission of GPCI through his company and in his presentations to grant writers and grant professionals. As an employer of several grant professionals, he has encouraged his staff to seek the GPC credential (and has even offered to pay for the attempt). He has used his position of authority in the non‐profit sector to expound on the value of credentialing and he has provided a shining example for many others to follow. Rod Helm is the CEO of Grant Writing USA and Grant Management USA. Under his leadership and in partnership with his wife, Rebecca, the companies deliver more than 150 grant writing and grant management training events each year. The impact his support has had on our mission will continue into the future as his company expands and grows. Help us thank Rod for all he is doing for the grant profession!

Broward County

Stephen Nill

Michael Wells

2008: Frank Mandley
Pauline G. Annarino was the first corporate chair for GPCI—our George Washington, if you will. This award is voted by the GPCI Board to honor someone who made contributions that we could not have done without and still claim the accomplishments we now enjoy.
Our certification was basically a well conceived dream, but one without a concrete path, until Frank Mandley’s influential work. Frank was early chair of what was then the Credentialing Committee of AAGP, and an officer on the AAGP Board. He pulled together the founding business plan that allowed us to visualize where to go and how to get there. It served to undergird all we have produced since.
Frank said, early on, that he wanted to retire as a professional. The dream has come true—the certification is in place. Frank was an original GPC, and he tells me he has worn his GPC pin every day since it arrived.
Frank was one of our early explorers and a true pathfinder. He recently retired from our board, and today, with 20-20 hindsight, we honor him gratefully and with dear, dear admiration.
Frank Mandley, recipient of the 2008 Pauline G. Annarino Award, pictured with AAGP President Marcia Ford (center) and Harriet Blymiller (right), recipient of the 2008 President’s Award, at the AAGP 10th Annual Conference in Long Beach, California in October 2008.

Johna Rodgers
The President’s Award
The President’s Award recognizes the significant contributions of a group, agency, or individual who has provided specific assistance to GPCI, its President, and its Board Members. This annual honor recognizes the awardee’s efforts to develop or implement an agenda item that has benefited the GPCI, its Board and the grant-writing profession. Such work may have been promoting or marketing the GPCI, as well as its services or products. The awardee has fostered and furthered GPCI’s mission, growth and continued development.
Please click on the awardee picture for additional information.
2023, Bernard Turner, GPC
The 2023 President’s Award was presented to Bernard Turner, GPC. Bernard has been a tireless advocate of GPCI and the grants profession. Our accreditation efforts and promotion of the GPC credential would not have been possible without supporters like Bernard. As a previous Grant Professionals Association Board Member and grants industry leader, Bernard has been an exemplary GPC and friend of GPCI.

2022 GPCI Ambassadors
The 2022 GPCI President’s Award is presented to the cadre of GPC Ambassadors. GPC Ambassadors dedicate themselves at the chapter and local levels to serving as an active resource to promote the GPC credential within their communities, provide information and guidance to those considering pursuing the GPC, and answer questions from GPC candidates and certificants. The GPC Ambassador program began five years ago and as of 2022, there are over 30 GPC Ambassadors covering 29 GPA chapters. At the award presentation on November 4, 2022, GPC Ambassadors Ericka Harney, GPC and Maureen Meyer, GPC, accepted the award on behalf of all GPC Ambassadors.

2021 Lisa Jackson, GPC
The 2021 GPCI President’s Award, which recognizes the significant contributions of a group, agency, or individual who has provided specific assistance to GPCI, its President, and its Board Members, is awarded to Lisa Jackson, GPC. Lisa has been integral to GPCI not only in its early formative years but also in recent years and during GPCI’s accreditation phase. She has held numerous positions on the GPCI board, including as committee chair, secretary, treasurer, and president.

2020 Rebecca Fox Jascoviak, GPC
We are pleased to announce that the 2020 GPCI President’s Award winner is Rebecca Fox Jascoviak, GPC! This award recognizes the significant accomplishments of a group, agency, or individual who has provided specific assistance to GPCI, its president, or its board members. Becky serves as the current president of the Grant Professionals Foundation and has been a great advocate for GPC scholarships within the Foundation as well as working closely with GPCI to increase fundraising. With her help, GPCI has been able to offer more scholarships this year than ever before, and her efforts have helped strengthen GPCI’s core financial strength and stability as an organization.
2019: Katherine Heart, GPC and Julianna Carsen, GPC
Katherine Heart and Julianna Carsen have been awarded the 2019 President’s Award for their extraordinary work in organizing a virtual study group for the GPC exam. This model has inspired chapters to host virtual study groups and continues to break down barriers for individuals who don’t have a GPA chapter near them or for whom transportation or schedules for studying with others in their geographic area are challenging.
2018: Mike Chamberlain, Chief Executive Officer, GPA
Mike is a colleague and a friend. Mike has always been willing to put on the GPCI hat and help articulate the great work GPCI is doing. He advocates for the organization while attending networking events and much more. We, as an organization, are thankful for the work he puts into GPCI.
Click here for a video of the award presentation.

2017: Amanda Day, GPC
The 2017 awardee for the President’s award is Amanda Day, GPC. Amanda has served GPCI as a previous board member from 2010-2015. During her tenure she served in the capacity as treasurer, vice president, and was president for three years. Amanda continues to serve the board through various volunteer opportunities and is dedicated to ensuring the integrity and longevity of the GPC exam. Anyone who knows Amanda cannot help but be uplifted, she is always smiling, is one of the most generous people I know and can turn on her southern charm in an instant. She is a seasoned traveler and apparently knows someone in every city she is in, whether on US soil or not. I had the privilege of serving under Amanda as vice president during her tenure and she was definitely a hard act to follow. I consider her to be one of my closest friends and I am honored to present her the president’s award for being a true leader in the certified grant professional world!
Click here for a video of the award presentation.

2016: Ericka Harney, CAE, CFRE, GPC, CVA
The 2016 awardee for the President’s award is Ericka Harney. Ericka has served GPCI as a previous board member from 2009-2014. During her tenure she served in the capacity as treasurer, designed many of GPCI’s promotional materials, and was instrumental in spearheading the group toward ICE accreditation. Ericka continues to serve the board through various volunteer opportunities and is a fierce advocate for the grants profession. She is definitely a bundle of endless energy and makes a scrumptious truffle. Ericka has been an inspiration to me as President and was one of the first to welcome me when I joined the board. I cannot think of a more deserving individual for this year’s award!

2015: Diane Leonard, GPC & Jo Miller, GPC
This year’s award goes to the dynamic duo of Diane Leonard and Jo Miller. As the ingenious masterminds behind #grantchat, @DianeHLeonard and @JM_Grants bring the grant community together every Tuesday for an hour of education, professional growth, and social media camaraderie. From the outset, the two found multiple ways to promote the GPC through #grantchat. Not only did they dedicate a chat to the benefits of earning the GPC credential, they also spent a weekly chat on each of the competencies associated with the GPC exam. In addition to #grantchat, both Diane and Jo have found individual ways to further the work of GPCI, through writing articles on the benefits of the GPC, mentoring future GPCs, and using social media to market the work of the GPCI at every turn. Your continued efforts to grow the body of GPCs has not gone unnoticed. From the entire GPCI Board, thank you both for your spirit, dedication to the field, and incredible work ethic.

2014: Barb Boggs & Kelli Romero
This year’s dual recipients are the epitome of the President’s Award. Barb Boggs and Kelli Romero go above and beyond, working to ensure that the GPC is the banner credential in our field. Both Barb and Kelli assist the GPCI Board in too many ways to provide an exhaustive list, including handling administrative tasks related to the exam registration process, marketing the GPC exam, and answering the many questions GPA receives about our credential. You could not find two more efficient, proficient, and good natured individuals if you searched the world over. Both ladies make the work accomplished by the GPCI Board run as smooth as humanly possible. For every question asked, Barb has the answer. For every need, Kelli has the solution. They are a tag team dynamo, and we are forever in their debt for the support they provide GPCI. From all of us, thank you a hundred times over, from the bottom of our hearts.

2013: Johna Rodgers, GPC
This award was specifically created to honor persons like Johna Rodgers. Johna has been involved in the GPC exam first as a volunteer for GPCI and later as a member of the GPCI Board of Directors. She played a major role in the administration of the GPC eligibility and registration process from the outset. Even after stepping down from the GPCI Board in 2011, Johna continued to manage the GPC exam registration process. This involved countless volunteer hours over the course of 2012 and 2013 as the exam went from paper and pencil to an electronic format, changing the way registration was handled. Her historical knowledge, impressive managerial skills, and kind words to anxious test takers are just a few examples of why she was indispensable to GPCI. She has since passed the torch on to others – in fact, three individuals now do the work that she handled solo! Johna, we are forever grateful for the dedication you provided to GPCI all these years. We look forward to working with you again.

2012: Walter Chason
The President’s Award recognizes the individual/agency or group which has provided specific assistance to GPCI, the President, and the Board Members. Their works have promoted and/or marketed GPCI, its services or its products. The awardee is instrumental in developing, implementing or advancing an agenda item that has benefited GPCI, its Board and the grant profession. Their effort has enabled and supported GPCI’s mission, growth and continued development.
This award was specifically created to honor persons like Walter Chason. Walter has been GPCI’s psychometrician since we began the development of our exam. Walter has been managing our test development from the early days when it was just a blueprint that we wanted to build, through the examination form validation until now, when the exam has recently jumped to an electronic version that can be taken in almost 500 sites across the country. Walter is truly generous with his time and his talents, helping us with exam item development, with exam scoring and training board members to understand what psychometrics is or does. Of course, I would be remiss, if I didn’t tell you what a personal help Walter is to me as President and how I do love his jokes. Walter has been a blessing to GPCI and we are so very grateful!

Jerry Dillehay

Shelia McCann

Laura Gore

2008: Harriet Blymiller
The GPCI President’s Award obviously considers skill and talent, but also acknowledges someone with a special heart for our mission. This honors a person who has worked above and beyond anything we could ask of a volunteer, and who has done so with earnestness and a joy that inspired the rest of us. Harriet Blymiller is the 2008 recipient. Harriet is the professional who guided us through test development. She directed subject matter expert panels all around the country and national validation surveys and panels. Harriet has since retired, and is here as a volunteer for our exam this weekend, as she served for our original exam as well.
Although she first joined us under our contract with her institute at the University of South Florida, Harriet quite obviously gave us far beyond her contractual commitment. She also paid very close attention to capacity building, recognizing our basis in the volunteerism of experts who genuinely care about the professionalism of our field. Harriet made herself part of our pulse and heartbeat. Harriet, this plaque is our symbol for a sustained group hug.
Harriet Blymiller, recipient of the 2008 President’s Award, pictured with AAGP President Marcia Ford (center) and Frank Mandley (left), recipient of the 2008 Annarino Award, at the AAGP 10th Annual Conference in Long Beach, California in October 2008.

Bill Smith