Why Should a Funder Value the GPC Credential
by Theresa Reyes-Cummings, MPA, GPC
The Community Mental Health Fund of Jackson County recognizes the benefit of the GPC by providing ongoing support for staff to maintain the credential and to have a leadership role in the profession.
While the GPC is most commonly associated with grant seekers, it is also valuable for grant makers. While our staff may not be writing grants as much, it is vitally important that we as funders maintain the best and brightest professionals to manage our funds, to ensure our investments yield the best social return, and to help develop new and innovative programming. Funding entities with experienced grant professionals and GPCs on staff are assured a higher level of proficiency with skillsets that add to their role as a funder.
Many of the GPC key competencies apply to funders. Funders set policy around grant making while investing in new trends and innovations to impact social issues. Funders evaluate an organization’s readiness and capacity to deliver program goals and to manage resources appropriately. We invest in organizations who lack capacity in order to build networks and maintain viable resources to the community. We invest in partnership building and look for ways to leverage resources toward a greater community good. Investments are made in both research and design of new programs and evidence-based or proven program models. These are all part of GPC key competencies. Having staff proficient in these competencies enhances a funder’s effectiveness in all these areas.
Funders consider many different aspects when making investments. Funders are continually trying to improve the grant application process, making it more meaningful for the applicant and the reviewer. Funders require accountability of the resources that are invested. Funders maintain their own standards, whether it be compliance with federal, state, or local legislation and regulations while maintaining the values and ethics of their boards. Funders set policy to ensure investments are being made in organizations that demonstrate cultural competencies and inclusive practices that address equity. Funders maintain relationships with other funders and seek community partners that extend the mission and values of philanthropic or public investments. Having experienced grant professionals on staff, especially those professionals with their GPCs, helps funders more thoroughly and thoughtfully consider these aspects.
Funder staff with years of experience and who maintain the GPC credential are an added value to the funding community.
Theresa Reyes-Cummings, MPA, GPC
Deputy Director, Community Mental Health Fund of Jackson County, Missouri.